Yanting Han

Yanting Han

Emotion + AI


Welcome! I am Yanting Han, a graduate student at the California Institute of Technology, in the research group of Prof. Ralph Adolphs.

My research interests include the dimensional structure of human emotions, individual differences and mental health. I am also interested in affective computing and in applying what we learn from human emotions to artificial intelligence. I take an interdisciplinary approach to investigate emotions by collecting large-scale behavioral data via online crowdsourcing platforms and then applying advanced visualization and machine learning techniques.

I am currently looking for full-time positions both in academia and industry. Please feel free to contact me if you are interested.

  • PhD in Neurobiology and Neurosciences, 2016-present

    California Institute of Technology

  • BS in Engineering Physics, 2012-2016

    Tsinghua University


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(2021). The experiences of emotions under prolonged stress and isolation. in prep.

(2021). A characterization of emotions experienced during the COVID pandemic. in prep.

(2021). COVID-Dynamic: A large-scale multifaceted longitudinal study of socioemotional and behavioral change across the pandemic. PsyArXiv.